For an optimized experience

InformerOnline Browser Support

Having issues with InformerOnline? Or want to know which browsers are supported by Informer? Here you’ll find all the information about the functionality of our program across different browsers.

Optimal use

Which browsers are supported?

Informer actively supports the use of Google Chrome and Safari. Due to the versatility and complexity of our product, we cannot guarantee 100% functionality in other browsers. We kindly ask for your feedback if you experience issues with Informer in other browsers.

Dashboard mockup
Report issues

Experiencing trouble in other browsers?

At Informer, we are constantly working to optimize our software. That’s why we ask our customers to notify us if they encounter browser issues.

Are you using a browser other than Google Chrome or Safari and experiencing problems with InformerOnline? Let us know via chat, and we’ll work together to find a solution!