Boundless trust in your business

Bookkeeping for all business owners

Informer enables all entrepreneurs to hold absolute confidence in their business' financials. Effortlessly.

Expand your business with innovative functionalities

Introducing the elite benefits of InformerOnline

A professional bookkeeping software, suitable for all types of business owners.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find an answer to your question? Don't hesitate to contact our customer support, who'll always be there for you within 5 minutes.

Can Informer's bookkeeping software be used in my country?
Currently, InformerOnline is fully available and optimized for entrepreneurs with businesses in The Netherlands, Germany and Austria. Every country has its own rules and regulations legally acceptable financial administration, therefore; using Informer for businesses in another country might result in lawfully incorrect administration.
What is bookkeeping software?
With a bookkeeping system, every business owner is able to keep track of their business numbers, even without any experience in this field. Daily tasks such as sending invoices, processing payments and expenses and even declaring taxes are grossly automized thanks to AI. This leads to entrepreneurs feeling more confident about their business and a lot of time- and money saving.
What is the cost of Informer's bookkeeping software?
The monthly price of InformerOnline varies based on the package you select. Completely functional packages start at €12 per month. with a 30-day free trial. In Germany, the first year is free for everyone. In The Netherlands and Austria, starting business owners will get the first year for free as well.
Is a bookkeeping software better than Excel?
Absolutely. Using Microsoft Excel for your business' finances will undoubtedly lead to mistakes and therefore; frustration and potential trouble with tax authorities. A bookkeeping system is constructed in such a way that making mistakes is nearly impossible. Furthermore, financial overviews are consistently and automatically updated.
Bookkeeping software or an accountant?
Nowadays, bookkeeping software ensures that everyone is able to manage their finances largely on their own. An accountant of bookkeeper can still be very useful, though. Whereas they used to take care of the entire administration back in the days, currently, your financial advisor is much more efficiently utilized as a person that checks and corrects your administration.

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