Time Tracking

Track work hours and manage projects with speed and precision.

Clocked hours for your client? Log them instantly, link them to a project, and send out an invoice right away. Keep your time tracking up-to-date and never miss a billable moment.

Connect hours to ongoing projects.

Add projects with ease and link your tracked hours for clear, instant insights into your work.

Add service rates and save time.

Define your services upfront and select from different rates quickly, making billing and service management a breeze.

Time tracking and accounting combined in one powerful solution.

Create projects and track time effortlessly with Informer's time tracking tool.

Log your work hours from anywhere, assign them to the right projects, and generate invoices instantly! Plus, with Informer’s digital accounting software, your bookkeeping is automatically taken care of — saving you time and hassle.

Dashboard mockup

Smoothly track worked hours per employee.

Stay on top of how many hours each employee spends on specific projects. Employees log their own hours, but as the owner, you remain in full control.

Easily set permissions on what each team member can see and do. This way, you can stay accountable to your clients and keep everything running smoothly.

Detailed overviews of worked hours

Questions about your hours?
No worries.

Tax authorities, suppliers, or just yourself - whenever anyone needs a specification of your hours, we got you.

Mobile time tracking

Do you travel a lot or are often on the go? No worries! With Informer's handy mobile app, you can track your work hours anytime, anywhere. Say goodbye to paper time sheets or Excel files—simply log your hours directly on your smartphone

Automated time tracking

Simply activate the InformerOnline stopwatch when you start your service! Once you're done, stop the timer and assign the recorded time to the appropriate project and service. It’s that easy.

Extra time tracking

Desire more extensive options regarding time and project registration? Activate the special Service module in the Informer App Store and master the art of project administration for €15 per month.

Dashboard mockup
Correct invoices - guaranteed

Effortless compliance with all invoicing regulations.

Rules & regulations? Child's play for you.

Experiences of confident entrepreneurs

Discover impressive stories of born entrepreneurs - who tell you everything about their businesses and experiences with InformerOnline.

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