Online invoicing

Design unlimited professional invoices in seconds.

Sent directly to your clients in your corporate identity.

Invoices on-the-go

Design and dispatch professional invoices from everywhere your are - as long as you bring your phone - with the Informer mobile app.

Select your preferred sending method

Direct invoices to your customers per e-mail instantly, use the highly secured Peppol network, or download and send them manually.

Create and send your invoice in no time.

Avoid hassle with invoices from Word and Excel and impress your clients with professional invoices from InformerOnline - in just a minute. Monitor the invoice status and payments effortlessly.

Dashboard mockup

Smooth and professional designs

Invoicing in corporate identity: the best way.

A serious entrepreneur ensures that their invoices look professional, right? What better way than to dazzle your clients with a sleek corporate identity - displayed on all your invoices.

Completely control the look and feel

Customize the features of one of our premade templates or upload your own background.

Invoice requirements - check

Never worry about what should be included on your invoices. All requirements are always met.

Upload corporate identity elements

No corporate identity is complete without a stunning logo. Rapidly upload all material you need.

Not in the mood for designing? No problem

Our silky templates are able to save you the effort of designing - if that's what you prefer.
No more biding your time

Receive your cash in a flash.

Because after all - payday is your favorite day of the week, am I right?

1. Crystal clear payment instructions

Your invoices include clear instructions on how and when the payment should be fulfilled at its latest. That way, the invoice recipient will face no hurdle paying you as soon as they can.

2. Include QR-code or payment link

Equip each invoice you dispatch with a QR-code or payment link and enable your customers to pay quickly through providers like iDEAL and PayPal.

3. Automatic payment reminders

Expiration date due, but still no payment received? Debtor management has never been so easy. Send reminders within 1 click or even initiate a collection proceeding straight from your administration.

4. Connect invoices to transactions

Thanks to the highly advanced and secured connection between your bank and your bookkeeping software, transactions are automatically imported and linked to the corresponding invoice or receipt everyday.

Invoice requirements - check!

The perfect invoice, every time.

No more worrying about what to include on your online invoices. InformerOnline always provides it with the invoice requirement applicable to your business.

Dashboard mockup

Experiences of confident entrepreneurs

Discover impressive stories of born entrepreneurs - who tell you everything about their businesses and experiences with InformerOnline.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Still some questions about online invoicing? Find some answers below or feel free to contact our customer support, who will always be there for you within 5 minutes.

What does online invoicing mean?
Online invoicing is the creation and sending of invoices through a specialized bookkeeping software. Invoicing this way makes the process a lot faster, because you can send them directly to customers. Moreover, online invoicing is a lot more secure than the traditional way of invoicing.
Da du als Kleinunternehmer keine Steuer in Rechnung stellen musst, liefert Informer direkt die passende Funktion. Es wird bei Bedarf automatisch der Mehrwertsteuersatz von 0% angewendet und sogar das passende Erlöskonto für Kleinunternehmer vorgeschlagen.

In Informer brauchst du hierfür einfach nur die Option “Kleinunternehmer” wählen, und es wird automatisch eine Gesetzeskonforme Rechnung für dich ausgestellt.

✓ Rechnungsstellung mit 0% MwSt.
✓ Rechtskonforme Meldung für §6 Abs. 1 Z. 27 UStG
Is online invoicing safe?
Certainly. It's even more secure than creating invoices in Word or Excel. This is because online invoices are stored in your online administration, which is protected behind firewalls and secured servers and always requires a multiple-step login. Hence, sensitive company information will always be safely stored.
Why should I send invoices from a bookkeeping software?
Online invoicing via a bookkeeping software simplifies the entire invoicing process for both the sender and the recipient of the invoice. In this way, everyone involved effectively saves time. It is also more secure and less error-prone.
Can I create invoices myself?
Anyone can create invoices themselves. Informer automatically adds all the necessary information to the invoices, so you don't have to worry about whether the invoice is correct. With a simple layout editor, you can also define the design of your invoice yourself, even if you are not a designer.
Should I send invoices before or after I deliver my product or service?
Invoicing before or after delivery both have their benefits and limitations. The advantage of invoicing beforehand, is the security of receiving money. The advantage of invoicing after delivery, is that it gives your customer more trust. Whichever option you select, be sure to decide upfront and communicate clearly.

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