Robotic Accounting

Automize your administration and simplify your life.

Daily administrative tasks executed by AI-powered tools. Saving time and staying in control at the same time.

Flexibly train your artificial assistants

Pre-determine how many times you'll manually handle purchase invoices before our automated BookingRobot takes over and add as many rules as you need.

You will always stay in control

No matter what your robotic helpers do, you have the possibility to check and adjust each executed activity, at all times. Save time and maintain the reins.
30 years of continuous innovation

What's the game-changing impact of these automations?

This is how you - as a visionary entrepreneur - benefit from robotic accounting.

1. Free up hours in your weekly schedule

Practically all daily administrative tasks are automated, leaving you to spend more precious time on gaining new customers, improving your products or services and growing your business.

2. Say goodbye to errors for good

By automating 99% of your daily bookkeeping tasks, the likelihood of you making mistakes is close to 0%. This way, you will be able to please the tax authorities at all times.

3. Efficiency is the new norm

Even after more than 30 years of constant improvement, Informer continues to pursue the most efficient technologies, ensuring the software to run as smoothly as possible.

4. Leave behind any doubt about your skills

People start businesses because they have a certain skill, not because of their bookkeeping knowledge. Robotic accounting largely eliminates the need for bookkeeping skills.

5. Immediate insights into your company's fiscal strength

Robotic accounting gives you access to real-time financial data and expansive overviews, which can help you make quick and informed decisions.

It is important to note that robotic accounting is not a direct substitute for professional accounting advice. Therefore, we recommend that you work with a financial advisor who is able to consult you.


Instant auto-recognition of invoice data

The purchase invoice process has never been easier. Take a picture of your receipt or email an invoice purchase and the RecognitionRobot handles the recognition of invoice data, thanks to the OCR and UBL-technique.

Dashboard mockup

Email your invoices

The invoice will be loaded automatically through your personal administration emai address.

OCR recognition

Information on invoices and receipts will automatically be recognized and filled out by the RecognitionRobot.

UBL robots

Our BookingRobot turns each invoice into a readable and automatically processable document.

Download the app

Take pictures of your receipts, throw them in the recycle bin and watch how they'll automatically be processed and matched.
Connect your bank account and...

Payments are instantly tied to the corresponding invoices.

The BankRobot automatically links invoices and receipts to matching payments, which are uploaded directly from your bank daily.

Dashboard mockup

Daily import of your bank transactions

By setting up a direct connection with your bank account, payments will automatically be imported into your administration every morning. This way, you never lose track.

Smart linking of payments and invoices

As soon as transactions are imported, it's the BankRobot's turn to start matching invoices. To avoid mistakes, it verifies invoice numbers, amounts and clients before connecting payment and document.

Create tailored instructions for the bot

Not all payments should be matched to an invoice, think about monthly salary or deposits. To automate the processing if these payments as well, custom rules can be created for the BankRobot.

And to complete the process...

Purchase invoices directly booked.

With InformerOnline's robot accounting, you can have e-invoices in UBL format booked automatically. The system remembers which cost category your invoices were linked to the previous times. This allows the robot to automatically post  subsequent similar invoices for you. Of course, you can check this at any time.

Dashboard mockup

Experiences of confident entrepreneurs

Discover impressive stories of born entrepreneurs - who tell you everything about their businesses and experiences with InformerOnline.


Frequently Asked Questions

Any remaining questions on robotic accounting? Find the answers here, or contact our customer support, who will get back to you within 5 minutes.

Is a robotic administration safe?
For sure! The robots won't just take over your bookkeeping. Everything they do, they learn from you and the rules you set in advance. So you stay in control, your data is stored securely and security is guaranteed by firewalls and certificates. Find out more about data safety here.
Can I use this software without any bookkeeping knowledge?
Most definitely! This makes the robots even more practical. You have less to think about, which means you make fewer mistakes. Of course, everything has to be set up properly at the start, but we'll be happy to help you with that. Informer offers a free online set-up service for everyone.
How much does robotic accounting cost?
As an Informer user, you can use the BankRobot and the BookingRobot free of charge and unlimited as a standard from the cheapest package (€15 per month) onwards, and from the €23 package onwards, you can also use OCR for 50 scans per month. In case this amount is exceeded, €0,15 is charged per extra scanned document.

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