Unlimited Quotations

Comfortably create professional quotations.

Create a professional quote in your corporate design in just 1 minute and send it directly to your customer. Quote accepted? Instantly convert it into an invoice.

Send an email straight to potential clients

Send your professional quotes directly to potential clients via email and receive quick feedback.

Create quotations on the go

Just had a successful conversation with a potential client? Create and send your quote right from your mobile app while on your way home.

Quotes in your own brilliant design.

Your quote is one of the first points of contact with your potential customers, so it’s crucial that it perfectly represents you and your business.

With Informer, you can easily create custom quote templates or upload your own designs to leave a lasting impression.

Dashboard mockup
Directly turn quotations into invoices

Transform opportunities into revenue with one click.

Quote accepted by your new client? Convert it into an invoice and send it directly.

Keep track of your open quotes effortlessly

Always stay on top of your open and sent quotations with InformerOnline. If your quote is accepted, conveniently change its status in your dashboard. Filter by your preferred parameters and navigate effortlessly in InformerOnline’s modern interface.

Convert quotes into invoices with ease

Once your quote is accepted, you can convert it into an invoice with just one click! No more manually entering quote details into an invoice template — everything happens automatically. As soon as you convert your quote into an invoice, its status instantly changes to “Billed.”

Rapid responses to all your quotations

When you send a quote, your customers receive a link to view it directly online and even accept it with a single click. This saves you valuable time, makes a great impression, and adds unmatched convenience.

Everything about online invoicing within 1 minute

Experiences of confident entrepreneurs

Discover impressive stories of born entrepreneurs - who tell you everything about their businesses and experiences with InformerOnline.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Still have questions? Below, you'll find answers to frequently asked questions. Need more information? Feel free to start a demo without obligations and schedule a personal start-up service anytime.

How do you send a quotation?
Sending a quote is easiest with accounting software like Informer. Create your quotation in just 1 minute and send it directly to your clients from the program. You’ll know instantly when it is accepted, and with one click, you can immediately convert it into an invoice
How much does it cost to create quotes?
As an InformerOnline user, you can create and send unlimited quotes starting at €15 per month. Plus, it allows you to update your entire bookkeeping in just 10 minutes per month, even if you have no accounting experience. This way, you’ll always stay on top of your financial situation as a business owner.
Is a quote the same as an invoice?
A quote is not the same as an invoice. Quotes outline the cost of a specific product or service, giving the potential customer the option to decide whether to proceed with the purchase. An invoice, on the other hand, is only sent once the purchase is made and must always be paid.
What information should be included on a quotation?
The exact requirements may differ per country, but usually, a quote must include the name, address, and location of your company and the recipient. It should also contain your VAT identification number, commercial register number, a quote number, and the products/services offered. Additionally, tax authorities normally expect you to list the date, latest decision date, prices with VAT rates, and a reference to your terms and conditions.
Is sending quotes obligatory?
In some industries, like construction, it's common to send a quote to a potential client, but it's not a requirement. However, sending a quote never hurts — it gives the client time to carefully consider their purchase and helps you appear trustworthy.

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