Automated invoice processing

Complete snapshot of receipts and purchase invoices.

Centralize all your receipts and purchase invoices in one location, replacing office chaos, with the added benefit of automatic processing!

Scan receipts with your mobile phone

Scan your receipts and physical purchase invoices using the mobile app. No more keeping receipts, just snap a photo and you're done.

Forward purchase invoices directly to your administration

Purchase invoice in your email? Send it directly to your administration its unique email address, and it will be captured instantly.

Upload invoices manually is no problem either

Downloaded a purchase invoice or received it through other means? Of course, you can effortlessly upload it in from your files as well.
Dashboard mockup

Never lose a receipt again – guaranteed, effortless, and worry-free.

Forgot that fuel receipt you were meant to enter later? That will never happen again, avoiding potential issues with the tax office. Upload your receipt instantly - within 1 minute - right from your mobile device.

Have purchase invoices automatically booked by smart robots.

Properly booking your receipts and purchase invoices – robots take care of it! It may sound like a tale, but with Informer, your expenses will soon be fully automatically recognized, booked, and linked to a payment.

Dashboard mockup


Each administration disposes of a unique mail address to direct all incoming invoices to, instantly adding them to your purchases.


Information on invoices will be recognized and filled out automatically thanks to your personal RecognitionRobot.


Teach the BookRobot on which cost category the purchase should be booked straight away and stay in control.


Your BankRobot directly scans the account for a corresponding transaction and connects it to the newly added invoice - all done!

Informed about payments due - always

Stay ahead of your payments.

Uploaded your purchase invoice? Our system automatically grabs the due date and checks your bank account to see if it’s already paid.

Instantly know which invoices are settled, pending, or overdue— helping you avoid payment delays and keeping your suppliers happy!

Experiences of confident entrepreneurs

Discover impressive stories of born entrepreneurs - who tell you everything about their businesses and experiences with InformerOnline.

Automized purchase processing = up-to-date tax returns.

Turn your receipts into instant tax reports with InformerOnline. We automatically generate your VAT return, placing every tax amount right where it belongs.

Stay in control, knowing exactly what taxes you owe or what refunds are coming your way — effortlessly and stress-free!

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Frequently Asked Questions


Got questions? Check out our frequently asked questions below. Still need more info? Feel free to request a no-obligation demo and schedule a personal consultation anytime.

What is a purchase invoice?
A purchase invoice is a bill you need to pay to a supplier for goods or services you've received —basically the opposite of a sales invoice that you send to your customers. Paying these invoices before their due date is crucial to keep your supplier relationships smooth and hassle-free.
How do you book a purchase invoice?
When recording a purchase invoice, it’s essential to accurately capture all details like the supplier, invoice number, amount, and the products or services provided. Next, categorize the expense by assigning it to a general ledger account. This way, your financial reports will clearly show where your money is going, giving you full insight into your spending.
What's on a purchase invoice?
A purchase invoice typically provides a detailed overview of what you bought and how much it cost. It always includes an invoice number, invoice and due date, and VAT information, ensuring that all tax authority requirements are met.
How long should I keep my receipts?
As a business owner, you’re required to comply with tax authority retention rules, meaning you must keep every receipt and purchase invoice for a certain amount of years, which may differ per country. This allows tax authorities to audit your business if needed. Using accounting software with scanning and recognition features helps you store and track receipts effortlessly, ensuring nothing gets lost
What is the best way to keep your receipts?
The easiest way to manage receipts is by scanning them with an accounting app and storing them in your online system. This way, you’ll never lose a receipt again—they’re instantly recorded in your accounting, giving you a clear, real-time overview of all your expenses in one place

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