Payment reminders

Payment reminders sent in few seconds.

Remind clients of unpaid invoices and receive your hard-earned money within 2 clicks.

A mobile overview - always

Access your outstanding invoices anytime with the Informer smartphone app. Stay on top of due and paid bills on the go, keeping your cash flow in check wherever you are.

More time for what matters

This frees you up to focus on what truly matters in your business and life, eliminating the need to handle repetitive tasks every day.

Automated reminder system to keep your receivables in check.

Overdue invoices automatically enter Informer’s digital dunning process, where payment reminders can be generated and sent to clients with just one click. If customers don’t respond in time, a formal reminder can be issued in seconds—keeping your collections swift and hassle-free.

Dashboard mockup

Professional and perfect reminders.

InformerOnline provides ready-made template texts for payment reminders and dunning letters, making it easy to generate the perfect notice. Plus, you can customize and personalize them to suit your needs.

Never lose control over overdue invoices.

Stay in control of your outstanding and overdue invoices at all times.Once you send an invoice, it’s marked as ‘open’.

If your client doesn’t pay on time, the status changes to ‘due’, and the invoice is automatically added to the dunning process.

When your client finally responds and pays, the invoice is updated to ‘paid’, instantly notifying you that the outstanding amount has been settled — no need for further steps like debt collection.

Dashboard mockup

Experiences of confident entrepreneurs

Discover impressive stories of born entrepreneurs - who tell you everything about their businesses and experiences with InformerOnline.

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